Elizabeth City Downtown, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity. Our mission is to be a catalyst of revitalization, acting as a central resource for potential investors, visitors, and residents interested in our historic waterfront downtown. Our sponsors help us carry out this mission of supporting and revitalizing Elizabeth City's central business district.
Any sponsorship (or combination of sponsorships) of $3,000 or more is considered an ECDI Premiere Sponsor which gives exposure at all ECDI Events, websites & landing pages, and electronic communications through the calendar year.
NC Potato Festival
Attendance: 35,000-45,000
Sponsor Levels from $50 to $10,000.
Click the button below for the NC Potato Festival Sponsorship Form.
​First Friday ArtWalk
Attendance: 250-1000
Annual Event Sponsor - $500: Company logo on event web landing page with link back, spotlight on Facebook event, name on printed fliers, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, may have promo booth at monthly events.
Individual Month Sponsor - $150: Company logo on that month’s Facebook event, name on printed fliers for that month, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, may have a promo booth at that month’s First Friday event.
TarWheel Cycling Event
Attendance: 300-400 cyclists
Event Sponsor - $500: Company logo on event web landing page with linkback, spotlight on Facebook event, name on printed fliers, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, signage at packet pickup, event start, all SAG stops, and ride finish/hot dog lunch, Logo on t-shirt. May have promo booth at event.
SAG/Rest Stop Sponsor - $300: Company logo on event web landing page with linkback, spotlight on Facebook event, name on printed fliers, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, signage at SAG/Rest Stop, Logo on t-shirt. May have promo booth at event.
Legends & Lore of Elizabeth City
Attendance: 200-300
Event Sponsor - $500: Company logo on event web landing page with linkback, spotlight on Facebook event, name on printed fliers, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, signage at VIP event , all Clue Stops, and event ending celebration, Logo on t-shirt, 2 tickets to Friday evening or VIP event. May have promo booth at event.
Clue Stop Sponsor - $150: Company logo on event web landing page with link back, spotlight on Facebook event, name on printed fliers, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, signage at Clue Stop, logo on t-shirt. May have promo booth at event.
Mariners’ Wharf Film Festival
Attendance: 150-300 each week (8 weeks, weather-dependent)
Annual Event Sponsor (All 8 weeks) - $500: Company logo on event web landing page with linkback, spotlight on Facebook event, name on printed fliers/posters, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, signage at each night’s event, may have promo booth at weekly events.
Individual Movie Night Sponsor - $150: Company logo on that night’s Facebook event promo, name on printed fliers for that month, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, signage at that night’s movie, may have a promo booth at that night’s movie.
Music on the Green
Attendance: 200-600 each week, (8 weeks, weather-dependent)
Annual Event Sponsor (All 8 weeks) - $500: Company logo on event web landing page with linkback, spotlight on Facebook event, name on printed fliers/posters, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, signage at each night’s concert, shoutouts from the stage, may have promo booth at weekly events.
Individual Music Night Sponsor - $150: Company logo on that night’s Facebook event promo, name on printed fliers for that month, logo with linkback on electronic promo communications, signage at that night’s concert, shoutouts from the stage, may have a promo booth at that night’s concert.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email the ECDI Director at director@elizabethcitydowntown.com.